A few shots of my booth at 5 am before the show.

Pretty antique hardware below my neighbor from Maine had in his booth.

This post turned out totally backward because of the way the pics upload to this blog so bear with me. My brain still feels a little fried from talking to so many people and working so hard in such a short amount of time. I have thought of going back to doing a longer show in Brimfield since there are so many to pick from. But...I have such good neighbors and J&J is a very busy field.
I think my camera is tired too since it died when I got home. Thankfully I was able to get my show pictures out first. I Just bought a Sony Powershot SD750 Digital Elph and I really love it. It's not a cheap camera but I am taking photos for my ebay and etsy listings on a daily basis so it's worth it.
I was way too tired to go back to Brimfield and shop on Sunday so I hit a few of my favorite spots on the way home instead. I bought these goodies at another one of my favorite dumpy little flea markets. 
This was blooming upon my return. It's called a Flowering Almond My friend Lucas came over today and we divided a bunch of this for him. He rolled out of here with about 40 iris plants too, we are over run! The Almond is my favorite and only has flowers for about a week. I just love the color. 

Bella was just checking out my recently purchased vintage sock monkeys. For some reason sock monkeys always make my dogs go a little nuts. I love sock monkeys, the uglier the better! They are sitting on an awesome spool chest I bought on Sunday. I will keep it a while and store all the Czech glass buttons I sell on eBay in there. it's in amazing condition. What a find! The glass knobs are all original too. I have a soft spot for spool chests. They make such good storage for beads buttons and all the stuff I use to make jewelry. I am up to 3 or 4 now and can't seem to part with any because they are all full now.

It was great to see my dealer friends that I only get to see at the Brimfield shows. I was happy to see so many familiar buyers as well. A good number of people let me know they found me online or in one of the Brimfield dealer guides so I guess all the shameless promotion is paying off!
It did rain on us a bit on Saturday, we has a few super busy selling hours then the skies just opened up. It didn't slow down business much. Brimfield shoppers are fanatics and won't let a little down-pour keep them from treasure hunting in the J&J field. Besides all the shoppers we get all the dealers that have been in town making money all week. There are 8,000 to 10,000 dealers in about 20 fields that cover a mile of rt 20. You really need to see it in person to believe it. Only on eBay could you see more antiques in a day than you can see at the Brimfield shows.
We knew it would rain at some point so I did my big vintage fabric display in the back of the tent so things wouldn't get too soggy. I has so much fabric in this load and I sold a lot of it. I was so happy to see all the cute Japanese girls that buy 50's fabric and vintage clothing from me. Could you imagine traveling half way around the world once a year to come buy antiques in Brimfield? I guess I am pretty lucky to only live a few hours away.
This antique buggy was in the booth next to mine. You never know what people will bring. The only thing missing is the horse.
Below is some of the vintage fabric in my booth and a crazy Lucite spaghetti lamp globe. This was taken after the opening rush and I had already sold a bunch of stuff from this area.

This is my friend Aaron. He is a young dealer from The cape, not a shriner. I bought a big bag of 1920's valentines from him. He's the youngest antique dealer I have met so far. Aaron has a great eye and had some really nice antique glass in the booth.

Above is a lovely English beaded needlepoint piece.
Below is the gal everyone was looking for before the show opened...She sells coffee drinks and snacks out of this cart. She probably has that cage to protect her from hungry dealers who have not had any coffee yet.
Pretty painstakingly hand made sailors valentines and paintings below by Nancy walker of Little Compton, Rhode Island. What incredible work. She's also an accomplished painter. 
This is Nancy's daughter and my friend Susan, she sells lots of amazing vintage and antique jewelry and Danish modern stuff too. Those are some more of Nancy's paintings in the background.
Above is my view from inside my tent. Check out those giant antique doors across the way. It dried up pretty quickly and Saturday was absolutely gorgeous.
These pretty bags are made by my neighbor, you can look her up on Etsy at http://www.josewsvintagebags.etsy.com/ Her name is Joann Whittemore aka the bag lady of J&J
I wish this picture was more in focus but this is some of the Friday night dinner club. My diagonal neighbors are a great group of guys that all rent a huge tent together. I usually do a lot of shopping in their booth. 
This is Jim, a fellow dealer who sets up in another field. That's a depression glass candy dish he's drinking a rum and coke from! Only in Brimfield.
These are shots of my booth
This cute shopper chose to wear the vintage apron she bought from me.

I sell a to a lot of creative people. This lady bought the blue chenille from me and Made patchwork burp cloths for her baby.
Can't wait for the July Show! See you there.