The crowd was shoulder to shoulder again this year and the weather was just perfect for oyster eating, beer drinking and buying handmade goodies!
The smell of oyster stew was blowing down the street all day making me hungry. I never spend enough time eating at these shows, they are so busy most of my time is spent with buyers. I did have a lobster roll but didn't eat one single oyster. Sales were over $1,000.00 better than last year...Hooray!! I did have a lot more handmade goodiess at this show than I did last year. This is not such an easy show because the spot they gave me had to be set up and broken down each day.Same thing last year. It wasn't that it was difficult, just a pain in the ass. How much can one really stress overputting up a collapsable tent and 3 tables of handmade goodies? The money was there so I can't complain. At antique shows I use about 12 tables and pack a whole 6 by 12 foot cargo trailer in addition to my van and Dave's truck to fill my 20 by 20 foot spot.

Here are pics of my booth.

Below is a happy warm baby under one of my chenille & vintage fabric baby blankets.
Below is some of my button jewelry. check my etsy shop if you are interested in doing some holiday shopping. I have been adding lots of new pieces to my shop for the holiday shopping season.....with more to come!

This is the happy shopper section. That's Barbara Joy in white, We had fun chatting and drinking a little wine in my booth on Sunday afternoon. She stayed 2 hours button shopping and talking about the similarities of our handmade lives. Barbara makes awesome pet beds, accessories & steps. Check out her website you may even be seeing some of my Czech glass buttons on her future creations. The gals below were so happy with their purchases I couldn't resist getting a picture of them too.
This gal, who's hands you see below, was really fun too. She bought my 2 biggest and funkiest button rings. Check out her big sterling silver ring with the cherub and set stones. It was Made by Uma Thurman's mom. How unique, I just love it. I have not had time to look up her website and info but what a fun & unique ring.

Sam's spot... I am happy to report she did quite well in the small space she had. It was fun to do a show with one of my childhood friends. It was good show experience for Sam and she got to promote her new etsy shop
Sam and Kathleen above, 2 of my best friends in one place! That rarely happens since my best friends have scattered themselves across the United states over the past few years. Since this is the only show I do on The Cape, It was fun to see who would be showing up next that we knew! I was happy to see so many familiar faces.
Above are some yummy truffles by They even had chocolate oysters, no real oysters were harmed in the making of the chocolate oysters, I was assured by owner Jude Huber.
Happy vendors were easy to find on Sunday morning. Everyone I talked to had fantastic sales on Saturday. Above is Kathleen Masterson of She was a few booths down from me last year as well. I have run in to her set up at the Wellfleet Flea Market from time to time. Rock on Kathleen!

These funky folky paintings were in the booth next to my old friend Ron Kusins, owner of Ron was the first person I ever rented a room from, my first room mate ever when I was 18 years old. I was so happy to see him cashing on the oyster fest fun! That's Ron below, and his ocean temed pewter work in the picture below that.

Above is the Bluegrass band that played on Sunday morning. I wish I could have heard the better but there was definetly more action out in the street where we were set up.
What's next for Emily's Handmade Goodies you might ask?

The Boston Bizarre On december 9th at the CYCLORAMA on Tremont street!!!
Click the link below for the 2007 vendor list & more show info.