What a day! The crowd was huge all day. There was a loooooooooooooooooong line down the block until 5:00 pm. They gave me a great spot with GREAT neighbors. We had such a good time and all went surprisingly smooth....But very chilly.
Indoor pics are tough but I did my best to take a few . The cupcakes were a big hit and so were my glass knuckles button rings. 
Here is a shot of Ron and an someone else from the local music scene who's name I for got...sorry!
Just before Christmas I made this chenille and vintage fabric tea set and cake for one of my show customers from the 2007 Madison Bouckville show. She had been patiently waiting for my show season to end so she could place her special order.
My neighbors were from Vermont. check out www.thespunmonkey.etsy.com 
I loved these cute Japanese shoppers above!
Below Ron ran into another Musician and crafter he knew.