All maymem broke lose when we showed up with Bella and the Musclekat500...Maddy and sasha have become best friends. There are also 3 cats and one old sweet pooch here too. Sasha loves anyone who shares the same affinity for rope as she does...
Now everyone is pretty chilled out. Samantha has 2 dogs and 2 cays. I am in LOVE with her boxer maddy.
this is the coolest old sign I have ever seen. I have no idea where it was, somewhere in The Carolinas or maybe Georgia.
These are growing in Sam's yard. She made me the best glass of orange juice I have ever had...and it was made with a vintage chrome and bakelite orange juicer. This place is so freskin cute I can hardly satnd it.
Here are my 2 who travel so much better thsn I thought they would. Thank god 2 days in the car ride with them could have been hell! It was a long freakin' ride. They just snuggled up in a big pile of dog blankets and so did I . Minus the 180.00 dollar speeding ticket we got on route 301 the ride was great.
And of course I can't go anywhere without a project so this is what I was working on when I was awake...some special vintage novelty fabric covered buttons. I have been hoarding these cute little bits for just such a project.
Below is sam at work at the fish camp, the cooles little shack that sells beer, burgers and bait. there are a super salty group of hilarious regulars who chill there and I love them all even the freaky spooky toothed ones. Southern folks are nothing like New Englanders...they are actually nice!
xoem...mackin' it in a tank top showin' off her new ink. Will definetly go check out the fancy tattoo shops while I am here.
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