Well, it took me long enough to get this post out. Things in my life are pretty crazy right now. I'm preparing to move at the end of this month, pet sitting a lot, and sewing like mad for the Oyster Fest craft show and the Boston Bizarre Bazaar.
Brimfield was a lot of fun, as usual. I had my love on board to help me. It was his first show and he did a great job with the set up and with the buyers. I remember my first Brimfield show as a seller...completely overwhelming to say the least. We met some horses on the way. Boy did they have a big trailer!

My luv above giving me a break from driving.
Above is a shot of the load in procession. Below are the guys who park the buyers down back in our field. I was up before dawn to finish up all the little details before the show opened.
Below is a very early morning shot on Friday. We managed to sell every piece of furniture that was in this load. Hooray!
Above is me out in my front yard early in the morning. Below is my junque.
Above are Crazy Cakes & some sachet sets. Below you will find more of my junque. That table was the last piece of painted furniture to sell. It went to a friend for a bargain price!

I love boxes and old wooden storage containers!
Below is one of me with one of my nicest customers. She makes funky & fun wire crowns for big and little girls. She made one for me and brought it all the way to Brimfield from Florida. I have the best customers!
Ann Marie is one of my neighbors in the J&J field. She and her husband are a lot of fun. Annmarie has the prettiest Shabby Chic booth in out field. Ron bought me this little silver heart & key charm over in her booth. We added it to my wings necklace. Isn't it cute?

Fabric land above and artville below.

Below is one of me with one of my nicest customers. She makes funky & fun wire crowns for big and little girls. She made one for me and brought it all the way to Brimfield from Florida. I have the best customers!
All kinds of Handmade goodies, supplies and vintage goods.
I bought these funky vintage boxes of millinery leaves and flowers at the show.
Below are some shots of other booths in our field. It's not all about me...
Below is a picture of the field as we left in the rain!
That's me on Saturday in the mirror section...
All in all it was a good show even with the bad weather we had overnight Friday and during the load out.
My next show is the Wellfleet Oyster Fest Craft Show on October 18th and 19th
More soon...XO Emily
Nice blog!
I especially liked the seductive picture of you on the right with the caption:"Want to see my goodies"
I can honestly say that there is nothing in the world like Brimfield. I've been to most of the big shows in the USA and When I do the antiquing trips to Europe, even the Paris flea markets do not have the excitement, variety and the bizarre characters that make up the Brimfield experience. Here,s my shameless plug for my websites: Of course You need to go to the site http://www.EuropeAntiqueTrip.com This is the one where I go to The antiques markets in Italy, England and France and take a small group of cheapskates to the BEST places to antique. Then make sure you list your antiques business on my directory site for free. Here's the link: http://www.antiquesNut.com
Good luck. See you on the road. Joe
thanks joe, i will be by to leave my ad. let me know when you are having your next estate sale.
hey there! i was searching for heart and keys charms and saw yours and the wings...LOVE THEM!!!
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