Friday, October 24, 2008

Wellfleet Oyster Fest 2008 Emily's show pics

I just love this show! It's always a busy one. The Cape is so pretty at this time of year and the weather was great both days. Sunday was a little cold and windy but there were still tons of people around.That's me in the black and white skirt. I bought it from Liza Jane pictured a few pics down.
Czech glass button necklaces and Glass Knuckles button rings available in my etsy shop!
If you are on The Cape you can find Glass Knuckles at Yummy Goods, the prettiest gift shop I have ever seen! Yummy goods is is on rt. 149 in the same building as The Village store. Melissa also sells my cupcake pincushions and vintage image pocket mirrors. Drop in and say hi, it's worth the trip!
Above are some vintage chenille baby quilts and baskets of vintage button, glass button and covered button ponytail holders. Below is a shot of a vintage image covered button this woman bought to pin on her hat. We just attached it with a safety pin through the loop on the back of the button. Cute huh?

The Czech glass buttons were a big hit at this show. You can find them in for sale in small and large lots in my etsy shop. I have a huge selection this year. I save some from each order i make so my show selection just keeps growing. Ron, pictured below, was there to help all day on Saturday then came back Sunday after work to help me with the load out. It was his first craft show. It's less work than Brimfield and a totally different crowd.
Cakes above and a crowd shot below.
Kate of Leave it to Weaver was my neighbor. We have known each other for years. She sells beautifully dyed scarves and pretty small handbags out of very fancy fabrics.
My favorite finds by far were the 2 skirts I bought from Liza Jane. I ended up wearing them both on was so chilly!
I was even visited by the cutest face painting clown shown her overalls!

Ron and Judy above from Pewter Crafter of Cape Cod and below is a booth with really neat-o stuff all made from recycled sweaters and other recycled fabrics.
Below are Emma and Brett from The Elbows rockin' it out for the little kids
The Crowds were thick everywhere all day both days!
On the main stage there were variations of all kinds and lots of local players from lots of local bands playing together in all sorts of forms all day.
All in all it was a great show...Emily

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